A Simple Yet Powerful Way to Speed Up Weight Loss…


…And improve your health!

A recent academic study (1) reports that increasing water intake speeds up weight loss. Everyone in the study followed a diet consisting of 1,300 calories per day. Half of them drank 500ml of water (about 2 glasses) before meals whilst the other half stuck with their normal drinking behaviour. At the end of 12 weeks the people who had increased their water intake had a 44% greater weight loss than the non-water group. The calorie intake for both groups was the same, so the extra water wasn’t merely an appetite suppressant. Here is an explanation why drinking water can speed up weight loss so successfully.

Chronic dehydration sabotages weight loss

Most of us are chronically dehydrated. This habit usually starts in early childhood. Think back to when you were at school. Did you have the freedom to drink whenever your body signalled its need for fluid? The answer is probably no, as most schools only allow children to drink during breaks. This leads to a dulling of the body’s thirst signal. Over timet we become less and less aware of the signal, by adulthood, we hardly notice it at all. In fact many people confuse the feeling of thirst with that of hunger, choosing to eat when what the body would really like is fluid. 

What has being dehydrated got to do with weight loss? The body’s elimination system – the liver, kidneys, bowel, lungs and skin – is designed to keep our body healthy by removing metabolic by-products and other molecular waste. When the body is dehydrated this system is unable to function properly. The reasons why this happens are quite technical but the bottom line is this: when the elimination channels are under par the body’s ability to metabolise fat is significantly reduced.

How to increase your fluid intake

If you are struggling to achieve your ideal weight then the simplest things you can do is to increase your fluid intake. 8 glasses (2 litres) is a minimum intake, 12 glasses would be even better. Get in the habit of having a drink every hour or so, in order to spread it during the day (with more in the earlier part of the day, less in the evening).

Okay, so water can be a bit boring. But there are plenty of (caffeine-free) herbals teas to choose from. You could also drink a glass or two of freshly squeezed vegetable juice each day. The juices do contain calories, but the alkalising affects it has on the body will more than offset this (alkalising the body will also speed up weight loss – more on this in later post). Avoid low-cal fizzy drinks – they contain unwanted chemicals and don’t support your weight loss target.

What to expect from your body

Have you ever cared for a neglected potted plant that has really dried out? You attempt to give it some water, but instead the water runs right through the plant and out of the bottom. It takes several soakings before the water will hold and the plant is able to rehydrate.

In this respect, we aren’t that different to plants. The first couple of weeks of increasing fluid intake usually result in frequent visits to the loo. If this happens then take it as a clear signal that your body was dehydrated. Whilst it is inconvenient, don’t give up. Like the plant your body needs time to adjust. Once that has happened the bathroom trips will return to normal.

Whilst it seems odd, water retention is another strong signal that someone is dehydrated. When healthy fluid is introduced the fluid retention reverses, resulting in a more streamlined shape and better fitting clothes even before fat loss occurs.

Get smarter, look younger and more

There are loads of other benefits to be had from simply drinking more water. Skin will look healthier, younger, and small wrinkles can disappear. The brain will work better and our energy levels can improve. Other conditions such as digestive problems (constipation) and cystitis can be eliminated. Even hormone-related symptoms like PMS are frequently reduced.

This is probably the easiest things you can do to improve your health. It is simple to do, costs virtually nothing, and the payoffs are substantial. Well, that’s enough writing from me for now. Time for me to go and get a glass of water.

(1) “Water consumption increases weight loss during a hypocaloric diet intervention in middle-aged and older adults” Dennis EA et al, Obesity 2010 Feb 18 (2) 300-7

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3 Responses to “A Simple Yet Powerful Way to Speed Up Weight Loss…”

  • Keske24 on November 5, 2010

    Firstly, let me say thanks for explaining this. I am not an expert on this topic, but after learning your article, my understanding has developed considerably.

  • Joshyttr on February 8, 2011

    I love this article… My sister got in shape by drinking water constantly, walking for a few miles, and doing some aerobics at home. Very useful tips, thanks!

  • FredyRR on February 8, 2011

    Your article just open my mind about drinking enough to keep my body healthy. I was having a problem, because like you said when I started increasing the amount of fluids I was drinking I have to run to the toilet many time in a single hour, and I was about to stop. Thank you for explaining why that was happening.

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